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Majlis Ramah Mesra Alumni FTKA 2022

Majlis Ramah Mesra Alumni FTKA 2022

Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Awam (FTKA) (dahulu dikenali sebagai Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam & Sumber Alam (FKASA)), buat julung kalinya menjemput para alumni bagi program Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam (DAA), Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan Pengurusan Infrastruktur (BTC) dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan Tenaga & Persekitaran (BTV) untuk hadir ke Majlis Ramah Mesra Alumni Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Awam 2022. Butiran program adalah seperti berikut:
Program: Majlis Ramah Mesra Alumni FTKA 2022
Tempat  : Everly Hotel, Putrajaya
Tarikh    : 29 Januari 2022
Link pendaftaran: 
Program ini bertujuan mengukuhkan ukhwah dan silaturahim diantara alumni dan pengurusan FTKA, disamping membantu pihak fakulti mengumpulkan maklumat bagi proses akreditasi dan pemantapan penjenamaan fakulti diperingkat industri dan antarabangsa. Justeru itu, diharapkan kerjasama dari para alumni untuk mengisi borang maklumbalas ini untuk mengemaskini maklumat alumni dan mengesahkan kehadiran pada majlis tersebut.
Kerjasama dari pihak alumni amatlah hargai. 
1) Follow us on Instagram @ftkaump and Fb:

2) Share and Upload your favourite photo at UMP by using the hashtag #AlumniFTKA #AlumniUMP

3) It is open to all FTKA alumni :
✅Diploma of Civil Engineering,
✅Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Infrastructure Management)
✅Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Energy & Environment)

4) Winners will be selected based on the creative photo and captions.

5) Make sure your profile is in public mode so that we can reach out to you.

6) Winners will be announced during the "Majlis Ramah Mesra Alumni FTKA UMP" together on the FB and IG page
APEC-WW8 :17 - 18 October 2021

APEC-WW8 :17 - 18 October 2021

8th Workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind Loading and
Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific Economies
(APEC-WW8, 2021)
The series of Workshops on Regional Harmonization of Wind Loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific Economies (APEC-WW) was once initiated by Prof Yukio Tamura and financially supported by the 21st Century COE Program of Tokyo Polytechnic University. APEC-WW provides a stimulating and constructive forum for researchers and engineers specializing in wind loading and wind environment problems. From 2004 to 2012, seven APEC-WW meetings were held in seven different APEC cities. APEC-WW2004 in Atsugi/Japan, APEC-WW2005 in Hong Kong/China, APEC-WW2005 in Roorkee/India, APEC-WW 2006 in Shanghai/China, APEC-WW2009 in Taiwan, APEC-WW2010 in Gangwondo/ Korea and APEC-WW2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Starting from 2009, the APEC-WW has been resumed with the support of the Global COE Program of Tokyo Polytechnic University. At each APEC-WW, all the APEC-WW members are invited to report on their activities and results of Benchmark tests. Resolutions for the wind load group and the wind environment group are made individually after thorough face to face discussions on problems related to current wind standards/codes/bylaws/specifications.
The missions of APEC-WW are:
  1. To harmonize structural loading standards/codes in the APEC area
  2. To harmonize bylaws/specifications on wind environmental problems in the APEC area
This coming APEC-WW8 will co-organizes by Universiti Malaysia Pahang and Chongqing University in collaboration with the Joint Usage Research Centre, Wind Engineering Research Center of Tokyo Polytechnic University. Due to the Pandemic situation, this workshop will conduct in a virtual meeting. Specifically, the 8th APEC-WW, in succession with previous meetings, aims to provide a forum to exchange information on the current status of wind loading standards/codes and to improve individual standards.
  1. To discuss bylaws/specifications for wind environmental assessment related to pedestrian level winds in an urban environment
  2. To discuss bylaws/specifications for air quality outside and inside buildings.
  3. To develop a framework for a wind load code that can be implemented in regions without one.
  4. To develop a wind damage database for the Asia-Pacific region.
National Environment Day 2021 : Virtual Run & Ride

National Environment Day 2021 : Virtual Run & Ride

Registration opens > 1.10-2021 -  30.10.2021
Running Period > 5.11.2021 - 14.11.2021


We are now 

Open for registration > Click Here


15-16 October 2021
4 keynote Speakers
3 virtual parallel sessions
More than 60 papers presented
5 countries participated
Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Studies Workshop - 27 August 2021

Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Studies Workshop - 27 August 2021

27 August 2021
Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Studies Workshop
By : Associate Professor Dr. Azrina Abd Aziz
      Deputy Dean (Research and Postgraduate Study), FTKA

Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology
Level 1, Cancellery Building
UMPSA Gambang
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Al-Sultan Abdullah
Lebuh Persiaran Tun Khalil Yaakob
26300, Kuantan
Pahang, Malaysia